Festival goes online

Welcome Hackers, Phreaks and Cybernauts. The 20th SCI-FI-LONDON festival will happen right here 8 – 13 December 2020. Join us in cyberspace for live shows, Talks, films and even our annual Cosplay for Dogs; SCI-FIDO. Sadly, there is no 48hr for this year but we plan to be back in 2021, and as a real-world […]

2020 Jury Announcements

As always, we can’t wait to see all the films created for the challenge this year. Over the next few months, we will be adding details of prizes but in the meantime, we are delighted to announce the first of our 2020 jury members.

2019 Winners

Thank you to all those who took part in the 2019 SCI-FI-LONDON 48hr Film Challenge, we saw some amazing films. And congratulations to the winners, well-deserved!


Each year in the challenge the team highlight several films for a special mention… check these out.